Writing Test Cases for E-commerce Websites: From Browsing to Buying

E-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop, offering everything from groceries to gadgets at our fingertips. But behind the seamless experience of browsing and buying online lies a complex world of software testing that ensures everything works just right.

At Tuskr, we’re passionate about helping teams test smarter, not harder. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential test cases for e-commerce websites, spiced up with real-world examples, practical tips, and a sprinkle of fun. Let’s dive in!

1. The Home Page: Your Virtual Shop Window

First impressions matter. Your homepage is like the front window of a brick-and-mortar store, enticing customers to step inside. But what happens if the glass is smudged or the display is confusing? Customers might walk away!

Test Cases for the Home Page:

  1. Loading Time:

    1. Test Case: Measure page load time using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

    2. Expected Result: The homepage should load within 3 seconds.

  2. Responsive Design:

    1. Test Case: Open the homepage on various devices (mobile, tablet, desktop) and browsers.

    2. Expected Result: The homepage should render correctly on all devices, with no broken layouts or images.

  3. Banner and Promotions:

    1. Test Case: Click on promotional banners and verify they lead to the correct product or category pages.

    2. Expected Result: Banners should be clickable, taking users to the correct destinations.

  4. Navigation Menu:

    1. Test Case: Test the navigation links to ensure they direct users to the appropriate pages.

    2. Expected Result: All links should work correctly, with no 404 errors.

  5. Accessibility:

    1. Test Case: Use screen readers to test the homepage for accessibility.

    2. Expected Result: The homepage should be accessible to all users, including those using assistive technologies.

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2. The Search Bar: Your Customers’ Treasure Map

A robust search bar is like a compass guiding customers to their desired products. Without it, they might feel lost in a sea of options.

Test Cases for the Search Bar:

  1. Search Functionality:

    1. Test Case: Enter keywords, synonyms, and common misspellings in the search bar.

    2. Expected Result: The search should return relevant results for related terms and correct spelling errors.

  2. Auto-Suggestions:

    1. Test Case: Begin typing in the search bar to see if suggestions appear.

    2. Expected Result: Relevant suggestions should appear quickly as the user types.

  3. Filters and Sorting:

    1. Test Case: Apply filters and sorting options to search results.

    2. Expected Result: Filters and sorting should refine results accurately based on user preferences.

  4. No Results Found:

    1. Test Case: Search for a non-existent product.

    2. Expected Result: The system should display a friendly message suggesting similar products.

  5. Search Results Page Layout:

    1. Test Case: Verify the layout of the search results page across devices.

    2. Expected Result: The page should be well-organized, with no overlap or misalignment of elements.

3. Product Pages: The Heart of Your Store

Product pages are where the magic happens. They must be informative, engaging, and trustworthy to convince customers to click “Add to Cart.”

Test Cases for Product Pages:

  1. Product Details:

    1. Test Case: Check the accuracy of product descriptions, images, and prices.

    2. Expected Result: All product information should be correct, and images should load without distortion.

  2. Image Gallery:

    1. Test Case: Click through the product image gallery.

    2. Expected Result: Images should switch smoothly, with zoom functionality working properly.

  3. Reviews and Ratings:

    1. Test Case: Submit a review and check its visibility on the product page.

    2. Expected Result: Reviews should be visible and sorted appropriately.

  4. Add to Cart:

    1. Test Case: Click “Add to Cart” and verify that the product appears in the shopping cart.

    2. Expected Result: The product should be added to the cart without errors, updating the cart count accordingly.

  5. Availability:

    1. Test Case: Check stock availability for various products.

    2. Expected Result: The system should indicate if a product is out of stock or available for purchase.

4. The Shopping Cart: Your Customers’ Virtual Basket

The shopping cart is where customers review their selections before proceeding to checkout. It’s like the waiting area before boarding a flight – everything should be in order.

Test Cases for the Shopping Cart:

  1. Cart Updates:

    1. Test Case: Change quantities or remove items in the cart.

    2. Expected Result: The cart should update instantly with correct totals.

  2. Price Calculations:

    1. Test Case: Apply discounts and verify tax and shipping calculations.

    2. Expected Result: Prices should be calculated accurately, reflecting discounts and applicable taxes.

  3. Save for Later:

    1. Test Case: Use the “Save for Later” feature and check if items can be retrieved.

    2. Expected Result: Items should be saved and retrievable at a later time.

  4. Cross-Selling Suggestions:

    1. Test Case: View cross-selling product recommendations in the cart.

    2. Expected Result: Recommendations should be relevant and lead to the respective product pages.

  5. Cart Persistence:

    1. Test Case: Close and reopen the browser to check if the cart persists.

    2. Expected Result: The cart should retain items even after closing the browser.

5. The Checkout Process: Sealing the Deal

The checkout process is the final step in turning browsers into buyers. Any glitches here can lead to cart abandonment.

Test Cases for the Checkout Process:

  1. Guest Checkout:

    1. Test Case: Complete a purchase without creating an account.

    2. Expected Result: The guest checkout process should be smooth and require minimal information.

  2. Payment Options:

    1. Test Case: Test each payment method (credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.).

    2. Expected Result: Payments should process without errors, redirecting to the appropriate confirmation page.

  3. Shipping Information:

    1. Test Case: Enter shipping details and verify calculations for different regions.

    2. Expected Result: Shipping information should be accurate, with costs updating accordingly.

  4. Order Confirmation:

    1. Test Case: Complete a purchase and check for a confirmation email.

    2. Expected Result: An order confirmation email should be received promptly with all relevant details.

  5. Checkout Errors:

    1. Test Case: Enter incorrect payment or shipping information.

    2. Expected Result: The system should display relevant error messages guiding the user to correct the information.

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6. Security Testing: Guarding the Fort

Security is paramount in e-commerce. Customers trust you with their personal and financial information, and it’s your responsibility to keep it safe.

Test Cases for Security:

  1. Data Encryption:

    1. Test Case: Check if sensitive data is encrypted during transmission.

    2. Expected Result: All sensitive information should be encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols.

  2. Vulnerability Scanning:

    1. Test Case: Conduct vulnerability scans using security tools.

    2. Expected Result: Identify and address any security vulnerabilities promptly.

  3. User Authentication:

    1. Test Case: Test login with various password strengths.

    2. Expected Result: Only strong passwords should be accepted, with prompts for weak ones.

  4. Session Management:

    1. Test Case: Log out and attempt to access secured pages.

    2. Expected Result: Users should be redirected to the login page when trying to access secure content without logging in.

  5. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

    1. Test Case: Enable 2FA and attempt login without the second factor.

    2. Expected Result: Login should be blocked until the second factor is provided.

7. Post-Purchase Experience: Beyond the Sale

The relationship with your customer doesn’t end at the sale. A delightful post-purchase experience can turn one-time buyers into loyal fans.

Test Cases for Post-Purchase Experience:

  1. Order Tracking:

    1. Test Case: Track an order from confirmation to delivery.

    2. Expected Result: Order status updates should be timely and accurate.

  2. Returns and Refunds:

    1. Test Case: Initiate a return and verify the refund process.

    2. Expected Result: The return process should be straightforward, with prompt refunds issued.

  3. Customer Support:

    1. Test Case: Contact customer support via various channels (email, chat, phone).

    2. Expected Result: Support should be responsive, with solutions provided for common queries.

  4. Loyalty Programs:

    1. Test Case: Enroll in a loyalty program and check reward accumulation.

    2. Expected Result: Points should accumulate correctly, redeemable for future discounts or perks.

  5. Feedback Collection:

    1. Test Case: Submit post-purchase feedback through surveys or reviews.

    2. Expected Result: Feedback mechanisms should work smoothly, encouraging honest customer opinions.

Conclusion: Achieving E-commerce Excellence with Tuskr

Testing an e-commerce website is akin to preparing for a grand opening every day. It’s about ensuring every part of your site runs smoothly, from the homepage to the checkout, guaranteeing that your customers have a seamless shopping experience. With the right test cases in place, you can identify potential issues before they impact your users, build trust, and ultimately drive more conversions.

At Tuskr, we understand the nuances of e-commerce testing and offer a comprehensive suite of tools to help you streamline your process. Whether you’re refining your search functionality or securing payment gateways, our platform ensures that no detail is overlooked.

By prioritizing thorough testing, you’re not just preventing issues; you’re creating a user-friendly environment where customers feel confident in making purchases. This attention to detail will distinguish your brand in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Incorporate these test cases into your strategy, and watch your online store flourish. Happy testing, and here’s to delivering outstanding digital shopping experiences!

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